Tag: Traditional Japanese Martial Arts

Japanese Martial Arts: Aikido, Karate, Judo, and Sumo

Japanese Martial Arts: Aikido, Karate, Judo, and Sumo

Japanese martial arts hold a deep history and are vital in cultural significance. They include different disciplines. Aikido, forged in the 20th century, promotes defending oneself without competing. Karate, which started in the Ryukyu Kingdom, is celebrated worldwide and has made its way to the Olympics. Judo is famous for its throws and teaches how to turn an opponent's force against them. It's a proud part of Olympic history. Sumo, going back to the Yayoi period, stands as Japan's national sport. It has a strict training schedule and no weight limit for its fighters. These martial arts are essential to the heritage of Japanese martial traditions. They mean a lot to martial arts training and Japan's cultural fabric. Fans around the world admire these disciplines. They see the de...